Radek Malcher

The band choose song called ''Nice work if you can get it''.
This Jazz song it was much harder the first one . Bigger chord progression, lots of changes and fast tempo .


We started practicing with slow tempo , to remember all the chord to play and the structure .
With every owned tempo , we tried to make it faster and faster .
It was really hard to play it in original tempo .We didn't had lots of time to practice because we been cut with one week to perform because Ricardo had to miss one from the Friday classes .
So the biggest problem was Chords and tempo in this song .


We played our song on the second group performance class , we still were struggle with the chords so we had to play with the sheets . Everyone was a little bit nervous about it , but we played it , not very well but we passed that song . I think our playing was a little bit chaotic(?) , because we didn't been prepared properly .

We been practicing really hard for this last performance , choosing songs for it was not really hard , we choose songs which we knew already and we played them - Autumn Leaves , September and Baggy Trousers . We done more practices than only on performance class time . We had small problems only with chord progression in Baggy Trousers , but we solve that quickly. Why we choose those songs ? Because we were thinking to show our skills on the first song ( Jazz )  , i mean solo bit , and make it more groove and dance while playing September and Baggy trousers . Practices as a practices gone fast , we only changed the key in Autumn leaves .


We played as a last band .

Autumn Leaves - groove was sliding , i mean sometimes we played a wee bit fast and sometimes to slow . Solos in the song , i think was not to bad , everyone show something what they learn on the Impro class . Could be better but still was not to bad .

September - Was much better than the first song , we hold the groove very well in my opinion , audience like it i think . I still think the outro was too long but band choose it like this.

Baggy trousers - THE BEST fun i need to say , we played it the best from our 3 songs , lots of energy , even the mistake on the beginning and unplug my bass by Ricardo in the middle of the song , we act it very well and people like it ! 

As the whole performance i think we done well , some small mistakes but covered very well .


1.Analyses and eventuate previous and current recording formats :

In half of 19th century people knew that sound waves are more or less dense portions of the air reaching to the human ear. But in 1857 being used phonograph constructed by Leon Scott of France. He was the first person on the world who record phonograph sound. Scott's machine was made from tubes, membrane and paper coated with soot cylinder .When you turn the sound trough the tube the vibration moved membrane through which the needle quivered leaving a trail on a rotating cylinder slowly. But the Scott's phonograph never had wider application . That's why 20 years later in 1877 , American Thomas Alva Edison invented a method that allowed for the practical application of the phonograph . In practical method of using phonograph you could  record and hear the voice or the sound normally . Edison changed phonograph - cylinder was covered with wax or tinfoil . On the beginning phonograph was powered by hand , after that by spring and on the end by electric . Edison machine  was constructed from conical tubes, aiming to strengthen the sound, and the membrane attached to the stylus, which were at the bottom of this tube - the stylus vertically stressed the shallower, the deeper the groove on the surface of a metal cylinder coated with wax, and later in the film zinc thus perpetuating a sound wave .With a very simple solution to a mechanical cylinder moved during rotation along its axis by a constant amount relative to the stylus. Playing back recorded sound was to place the stylus in the groove channelled, and then putting the cylinder in rotation. The stylus with a membrane attached to it move respectively to previously notched groove composed of depressions and elevations. These vibrations transmitting the stylus bonded to the membrane, which resulted in moving the movement of air particles. These particles hit the walls of the tube bouncing up and strengthening, and finally reached the ears of the listeners.

Thomas Alva Edison was the first person who recorded first singing voice, song called ''Mary had a little lamb'' . Phonograph had lots of defects . First one was the sound - was really quite and not very pronounced .
The wax cylinders after few records just clashed . They tried to solve the problems , and they done it in 1897 . Emil Berliner was who solve it and  instead of using cylinders used round wax-coated zinc plate . He used something different than Scott and Edison ; method of forming a lateral groove. His phonograph was working almost this same but however, he applied a special arrangement of levers that move the stylus across instead of vertically. Which make the surface undulating groove .Berliner was as creator of CD pressing. In 1894 he open his first phonograph company : ''The Berliner Gramophone Company'' . Straight after moved the recording and production of gramophone records. In 1909 on the appeared the double side CD's , there were produced synthetic resin or shellac CD's. In 1924 people used first time microphones to record a sound on CD and year after normalized speed of record  to 78 rpm. On this time were using mid line cd from this days and from today - 7'' , 10'' , 12'' . You could record the sound on it  till 5 min . In July 48' company called ''Columbia'' as a first on the world introduce long-playing CD - LP. Those CD could record the sound till half an hour on both sides and the mid line of them was 12'' and were played  with speed of 33 and 1/3 rpm . In 1958 ''Columbia'' presented first stereo CD .

In the end of 80's all metal, wax, shellac, vinyl, magnetic tape was replaced by compact disc with revolutionary digital audio recording and image playback using laser beams. There have been lots of changes :Originally used for sound recording discs replaced the metal rollers made ​​of wax, zinc, and then shellac, vinyl and finally dynaflex . Along the way, for a time, enjoyed popularity magnetic tape / cassette / until we got to the point in the history of the recording industry, the dominant sound carriers have become board with digital recording - CD, CDR, DVD .
On the last exam i had to prepare 3 tracks because i failed the grade 8 piece last time , i was practising that song a lot . Another songs which i choose was again Maximum the hormone - Rolling1000toon and Master Blaster by Corneille and Gage . i knew the maximum the hormone song before so learning it was easy , and master blaster i heard it before but no in this version , it is a little bit faster and more groove for me , learning this song was not very hard and to be honest ( i know i cant be ) i learn that song in one evening . The biggest problem in whole exam was backing tracks . i was looking for it everywhere but i had to use normal one , but i took off the bass on the equaliser on both of them which makes sound distorted , like from the old radio . And i've been told to dont make a ''faces'' while doing mistakes , its quite hard because i know i done something wrong and i just cant stop it , im a perfectionist and if i know im doing something wrong im showing it . So the songs , the first song gone much much better , still had some slips but . Second song , maximum the hormone , had problems with start because i took off the bass from the whole track so i didn't heard proper drums which i found something difficult for me playing without them . But i felt more confident with this song and like Accessors said. Master Blaster , i was surprised about how it goes , i was worry about that song bcs i didn't practice it a lot . But went good .

Main problem was bass sound , i smashed my one after last failed exam on the ground so i had to use my other one - Traben , which is more for a rock and metal music than jazz or blues . so the sound for the songs was the same for all of them .

PASS ... 
For this exam we had to prepare song from Grade 8 book . I didn't knew what to play to be honest , but my Tutor from bass choose for me song called ''667''. Genre - metal , lots of changes in the song , quite fast , solo , and change of tempo on the end of the song , the biggest problem for me was playing ''stairs'' or felling between the choruses and verses , had lots of problems with time tempo on the end and with the solo . We didn't had classes  before the exam which makes me a little bit nervous because i knew im not prepared even i was practising a lot . And yes i failed , i knew i shouldn't make any excuses but i was trying to be honest and say what i'm feeling , but from that day i know what to do next time. I told myself im gonna practice much more and show everyone i can do it .

Been practicing much more on the next weeks . I was trying to play between track with bass and without . on The beginning had problems to play with without bass track , but after time I manage to do it . 
In this session we been asked to play as a ''Jazz band'' couple songs.
The musicians been picked randomly. I was playing 3 songs from 4 .
To be honest , I never heard the songs , because i had problems with my eMail post, so from my side i was making my own bass line and try to improvise . I was trying to use major and blues skill for it . as a group i think we done it well. Every person from the band had chance to play a solo bit. I never realise that they want my solo in it and when my turn came in i was sitting deeply with head in sheet chords. After that i never had chance to play a solo again , my bad. For me , even I never heard a originals songs or a covers i had a good fun to play it and probably I'm gonna choose from this set two songs for my Exam. I think i evaluate a lot from the first class . I'm more open to try play a solo , if i have chance for it , and to create a new bass line on demand. Now, I feel that I have much more ideas 
We've been putted to the bands and asked to play a Jazz song together, with solo on each instrument . 
I didn't been on the day of choosing song , because of the gig from outside band - sorry guys ! 
Band choose song : ''

1st Practice
To be honest that was wasting a time. We done nothing on this practice, was hard for us to choose the rhythm , every one was trying to play they parts in they style . We didn't had a compromised style and feel. WE didn't had a drummer.

2nd Practice
This time everything gone very smoothly , I was thinking about the rhythm at home and feel of this song , never was trying to copy exactly the original.
I came in with one idea for a groove. Band liked it and add they part. My solo part never was this same i was trying to play it naturally and just do this what i feel on the time. 

I think we played it well , I was a wee bit nervous , because i'm not playing lots of solos on the bass and I probably should. But as a band we done a good job , rhythm was hold even with no drummer .

Song was chosen by the rest of the band because jazz its not of my kind of music , but to be honest i'm starting enjoying playing it.
Band choose song : ''Autumn leaves'' and we decide to make our version.

I think the biggest problem was chord progression, and the structure of song and hold the tempo and rhythm for a drummer.
We were working hard for a solo parts. 
We done 2-3 more practices before classes.  To remember the song , Michal done a recording of our playing. Everyone get a version of it to listen. I think thats helped us a lot .The solo by my was done with my feelings. I never wrote it or was trying to learn it.

In my opinion we played very well . We been tide. Every one played solo well , my one was played naturally on the way .
Maybe the problem was we didn't played as a band , we didn't had a connection between us . All done just they're part .
We gonna try to  make it better and don't do it again .

I dont gonna put song this time because there is a LOTS of versions of this song. 

I was trying to use normal major with pentatonic on different octaves with holding on the root note but more it was playing that what i feel. It's old recording and i feel now i could do this much better than this .
Probably I will not be original saying I'm practising with background music "Cantaloupe Island".
While playing I'm trying use pentatonic and triads to make a Solo on top of it .
Mostly I'm using pentatonic skills - Mixolydian and Dorian . During solo I'm trying play main note every 1st beat bar to hold the tempo and structure.