Radek Malcher

What is modern jazz ? 
like on from the sites saying :

''(Music) any of the styles of jazz that evolved between the early 1940s and the later emergence of avant-garde jazz, characterized by a greater harmonic and rhythmic complexity than hitherto'' (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/modern+jazz)

Im a little bit confused about playing the solos in this kind of music , bcs u need to know all progression chord . And im suck in this one , so first think for impro for me its to sit down with the pen and a paper and try to solve chords . Then I can sit with a bass and try to play it and make a solo bit . 
Let's start write something :)

Today we learned how to record drums with one mic and with full set of mics. 

Basically we used one condenser mic setting him up on the middle of drums kit , under the ride and next to the left tom .

 Result was amazing like for me , i didn't expect good quality of sound , i was thinking its gonna be distorted but sound as clear and deep. i Love it ! Probably I'm gonna use that method  when i'm gonna record in that way for a my song.

Second Method was to use mic on every part on a drum kit  ( cymbals , all toms etc.) 
 Results was very good. But the sound i need to say was really close to the results from recording with one mic. Of course basically u can't catch full set of drums with one mic so u need to use whole set of mic for it :) 

That how to record drums with one mic (half set of drums) :

How to record full set up of drums (Basic):
Feel it ! 

Im so happy ... I choose the song alone ! actually I Don't ... I had a wee help ,  My head chef help me with this choice :)  One from his favourite songs ... which is ... ''Brick House'' by The Commodores . 

Like for now we had only 1 practice , but fantastic one! We decide to do a 4 vocal chorus and bridge which sound amazing :) We've catch groove now just polish everything and go for it !   

So i need to say we played very well than before... more movement on the stage , horn section played perfectly, the balance of guitars was much better than last week.

Good job guys :)




This is soul TIME ! 

I had no voice in choosing song this time because it is not my kind of music so Band choose song ''Stand By Me'' by Ben E. King . 

We done more practices than only on the fridays performance class for feel the groove of the song which was the harder thing in this piece. Christy decide to play on the violin to add sound like in the original song.

Was not bad . I played in wrong way, but rest a band done it perfectly .
Good job :) 
Hi ! On this block of performance we had to play Punk ! 

What about research ... so we decide quite fast because everyone from the band are listening some of punk music , we decide to play ''Basket Case'' by Green Day, actually that was My and Chris choice but rest of a band was happy from the song :)

I need to say practice gone quite easily and fast. We had only one small problem... too fast tempo for drummer but he sorted that out after second practice .I knew that song already , so I didn't had problems to play it.

Smoothly done... Maybe a wee bit too fast and add more movement on stage for guitarists :P.