Radek Malcher

In this session we been asked to play as a ''Jazz band'' couple songs.
The musicians been picked randomly. I was playing 3 songs from 4 .
To be honest , I never heard the songs , because i had problems with my eMail post, so from my side i was making my own bass line and try to improvise . I was trying to use major and blues skill for it . as a group i think we done it well. Every person from the band had chance to play a solo bit. I never realise that they want my solo in it and when my turn came in i was sitting deeply with head in sheet chords. After that i never had chance to play a solo again , my bad. For me , even I never heard a originals songs or a covers i had a good fun to play it and probably I'm gonna choose from this set two songs for my Exam. I think i evaluate a lot from the first class . I'm more open to try play a solo , if i have chance for it , and to create a new bass line on demand. Now, I feel that I have much more ideas 
We've been putted to the bands and asked to play a Jazz song together, with solo on each instrument . 
I didn't been on the day of choosing song , because of the gig from outside band - sorry guys ! 
Band choose song : ''

1st Practice
To be honest that was wasting a time. We done nothing on this practice, was hard for us to choose the rhythm , every one was trying to play they parts in they style . We didn't had a compromised style and feel. WE didn't had a drummer.

2nd Practice
This time everything gone very smoothly , I was thinking about the rhythm at home and feel of this song , never was trying to copy exactly the original.
I came in with one idea for a groove. Band liked it and add they part. My solo part never was this same i was trying to play it naturally and just do this what i feel on the time. 

I think we played it well , I was a wee bit nervous , because i'm not playing lots of solos on the bass and I probably should. But as a band we done a good job , rhythm was hold even with no drummer .


I was trying to use normal major with pentatonic on different octaves with holding on the root note but more it was playing that what i feel. It's old recording and i feel now i could do this much better than this .
Probably I will not be original saying I'm practising with background music "Cantaloupe Island".
While playing I'm trying use pentatonic and triads to make a Solo on top of it .
Mostly I'm using pentatonic skills - Mixolydian and Dorian . During solo I'm trying play main note every 1st beat bar to hold the tempo and structure.
  1. Arpeggios - I was working on them last week , I played them last year but with no practice, yeah I forget them.
  2. Blues and Pentatonic Scales - same as arpeggios , but never had time for practising yet.
  3. Modes - done just a bit of Mixolydian one.

I need More , more and again more practice.
  • Modes
  • Scales
  • Blues and Pentatonic Scales
  • Arpeggios

I set my realistic targets which I want to achieve until end of the year.
My biggest weakness it's that I can write scales on the paper but can't play them technically on the instrument. Maybe some of them, but I need to practice a lot to achieve this what I want.
  • Fast learning
  • Quick fingering
  • Modes
  • Skills  
  • Jazz    
  • Never playing solos on the bass
From last week I can see that I remembering more correct places while quick playing.

I was playing solo today in class, and yeah I was struggling and thinking to long what next note to play. And I was to shy ? I need to feel more comfortable to play solo , because I never was doing this.

Try play more Solo bits and work more on skills and modes.
Fast fingering, knowing blues skill .

Probably everything , modes and skills. While playing fast forgetting correct place of notes. Moves between skills.

My homework?:
Play more on the bass, play more skills, modes. Watch more improvisation videos and try to catch the technique what they are using.

What is modern jazz ? 
like on from the sites saying :

''(Music) any of the styles of jazz that evolved between the early 1940s and the later emergence of avant-garde jazz, characterized by a greater harmonic and rhythmic complexity than hitherto'' (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/modern+jazz)

Im a little bit confused about playing the solos in this kind of music , bcs u need to know all progression chord . And im suck in this one , so first think for impro for me its to sit down with the pen and a paper and try to solve chords . Then I can sit with a bass and try to play it and make a solo bit . 
Let's start write something :)