Radek Malcher

We've been putted to the bands and asked to play a Jazz song together, with solo on each instrument . 
I didn't been on the day of choosing song , because of the gig from outside band - sorry guys ! 
Band choose song : ''

1st Practice
To be honest that was wasting a time. We done nothing on this practice, was hard for us to choose the rhythm , every one was trying to play they parts in they style . We didn't had a compromised style and feel. WE didn't had a drummer.

2nd Practice
This time everything gone very smoothly , I was thinking about the rhythm at home and feel of this song , never was trying to copy exactly the original.
I came in with one idea for a groove. Band liked it and add they part. My solo part never was this same i was trying to play it naturally and just do this what i feel on the time. 

I think we played it well , I was a wee bit nervous , because i'm not playing lots of solos on the bass and I probably should. But as a band we done a good job , rhythm was hold even with no drummer .

Song was chosen by the rest of the band because jazz its not of my kind of music , but to be honest i'm starting enjoying playing it.
Band choose song : ''Autumn leaves'' and we decide to make our version.

I think the biggest problem was chord progression, and the structure of song and hold the tempo and rhythm for a drummer.
We were working hard for a solo parts. 
We done 2-3 more practices before classes.  To remember the song , Michal done a recording of our playing. Everyone get a version of it to listen. I think thats helped us a lot .The solo by my was done with my feelings. I never wrote it or was trying to learn it.

In my opinion we played very well . We been tide. Every one played solo well , my one was played naturally on the way .
Maybe the problem was we didn't played as a band , we didn't had a connection between us . All done just they're part .
We gonna try to  make it better and don't do it again .

I dont gonna put song this time because there is a LOTS of versions of this song.